Young of Heart

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    Crazy DeJa Vu      &   Crazy DeJa Vu - Not again
(part one)                  (part two)
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Both books,(parts one & two)are written in first person, 
so you get to be the main character. Come along on a 
wild adventure. The average reader is 14yr and up

Part One Rita is a single waitress at The Rooster Cafe on the outskirts of Queens New York. Nell is her best friend and they both love mysteries, enjoy exploring and talking about anything anyone else would consider weird or strange. Rita soon finds herself the center of the largest and strangest happening ever. Come along and see if you can figure out what happens next. There are a few pictures and a new medical idea and intriguing thoughts. This book started with the medical idea I had in 1996 and then developed into a story 2010, but the detail didn't develop until 2019. Book is 6"x9" and 252 pages with a few colored pictures.

paperback version $16.99

Crazy DeJa Vu - Hardcover $24.99

Part Two Rita is a young female waitress at the Rooster Cafe on the outskirts of N.Y. Rita and her best friend, Nell, love a good mystery. After Anna shows up on the scene the mystery deepened and even becomes mind boggling after she leaves. Come along on a wild adventure and find out what happens and how it turns out. This could even be happening right now. Book measures 6"x9" with 258 pages and a few colored pictures

paperback version $16.99

Hardcover $24.99

eBooks are available online

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